Cleaning a swim spa isn’t a difficult task. It involves a series of processes and operations that any swim spa owner could easily perform. However, keeping up with your maintenance schedule might require just a little bit of discipline. Remember that setting up a regular schedule might prevent you from dealing with costly cleaning operations later on!
Read on to learn more about how you can clean your swim spa in the best possible way, and how you can make the most out of your periodical maintenance schedule to further prolong the lifespan and health of your beloved swim spa!
Creating a Cleaning Schedule
Many swim spa owners love to keep a well-organized cleaning schedule. You could do some cleaning once a week, and set some time aside for a more in-depth cleaning session to be performed once a month, or every 2-3 weeks if you are using your swim spa continuously. The more you use it, the more often you will need to clean it for optimal results.
Typically, the average weekly cleaning routine would consist of picking up leaves and other debris with a net, clearing out the surface of the water, and simply rinsing the filters to get rid of debris. On the other hand, more in-depth cleaning sessions might include chemical soaks specifically designed to cleanse filters properly. If your filters are worn out or really old, you might even consider replacing them!
Store-Bought Swim Spa Cleaning Products
There are many cleaning products available, particularly designed for spas, pools, and hot tubs. Such store-bought cleaning items are designed specifically for this application and they are safe to use in a swim spa. For more information, contact our experts at Twin City Jacuzzi. We have a wide selection of swim spa cleaning products for sale in Burnsville and Plymouth.
However, remember that it is not highly recommended to use household chemicals or automotive products to work on your spa! Such products might not be suitable for a swim spa as they might damage the system, harm swimmers, or affect the water quality.
What You Can Do to Keep the Water Clean
The first step towards keeping your water clean is to test the chemical balance of your water frequently. When your pool water is affected by issues such as pH unbalances or other hardness issues, which is an unbalanced amount of calcium in your water, you might actually experience certain issues that might lead to the buildup of foams or the formation of bacteria. A buildup of bacteria can affect the cleanliness and quality of your water, possibly putting users at risk for skin irritations, skin conditions, or bacterial infections.
By testing the quality of your water frequently, you will be able to stay ahead of many possible issues and prevent problems. There are many water treatment kits available on the market today. These kits will help you test the water, as well as target and correct any issue with it from the get-go.
Another method of preventative measures is to have users shower before using the swim spa. A quick shower can help wash away dirt and oils, which can clog up the filters and throw off the clarity of the water.
Swim Spas in Minnesota
Find out more about how to enhance the life of your swim spa! Feel free to get in touch with our trusted team at Twin City Jacuzzi. We proudly serve the Burnsville and Plymouth communities with a wide selection of high-quality hot tubs and swim spas for sale in Minnesota!