How would you feel if the world suddenly lost most of its colors? What if everything was just black and white? Even though it may not be obvious, colors have a dramatic effect on our perceptions, moods, emotions, and behaviors. We paint our homes in colors that create feelings of coziness and comfort. We clad ourselves in colors that boost confidence. We travel to places that appear lush and colorful in photographs. You may not know it, but color plays a significant role in your emotional well-being. If you travel back in time, you will discover that color therapy was used for healing in many ancient cultures around the world.
This is known in modern-day as chromatherapy. Jacuzzi® Hot Tubs designs and manufactured hot tubs with this therapeutic technique in mind, which is why it’s so easy to enjoy a relaxing chromatherapy session from the comfort of your hot tub. In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at hot tub chromatherapy.
What is Chromatherapy?
Chromatherapy, or color therapy, is a method of alternative medicine that uses colors of the visible spectrum to improve your overall health and well-being. It is based on the simple principle that beautiful colors make us feel good. Today’s chromatherapy involves exposing our bodies to multi-colored lighting to support natural healing.
Here is a list of some of the most common chromatherapy colors used in our hot tubs:
Yellow is widely considered to be the color of warmth and cheer. It can grab the eye and evoke a sense of energy and optimism. People tend to feel carefree and positive when exposed to yellow.
Like yellow, red is a bright color that can evoke powerful and dramatic emotions. It can create feelings of excitement and enthusiasm as well as revitalize and motivate a person. When red is used in conjunction with infrared, it is said to speed up healing and improve skin quality. It is also known to improve circulation and stimulate the nervous system.
Orange is another elevating color that can stimulate the mind and cheer you up even if you are feeling down in the dumps. It helps boost energy levels and gives you a “get up and go” outlook that can help you take charge and regain control of your emotions. It can also alleviate symptoms of digestive distress as well respiratory conditions like bronchitis and asthma.
Green represents nature and is considered the color of serenity, peace, and health. Green has a calming and soothing effect on the mind and is thought to reduce stress and cortisol levels. It is a relaxant that can soothe your nerves and improve sleep quality.
Although the word blue is often associated with sadness and loneliness, the color blue calls to mind feelings of tranquility and peace. It is believed to relieve depression and anxiety as well as reduce blood pressure, headaches, and other inflammatory conditions.
For many people, the color purple recalls online images of lavender fields in the south of France. It is a regal color that can make the world around you seem peaceful. Purple has “adaptogenic” qualities that can calm your nerves, relax your muscles, help you cope with pain, and boost detoxification. It is an excellent color for people who suffer from conditions like arthritis and fibromyalgia. It is also said to improve your creativity and artistic abilities.
Twin City Jacuzzi
At Twin City Jacuzzi, we have a great selection of Jacuzzi® hot tubs with premium mood lighting systems that provide enhanced therapeutic qualities. You can use a convenient remote control to choose between multiple lighting modes and a wide variety of colors. We also have premium hot tub accessories and safe hot tub chemicals to ensure the safety and cleanliness of your hot tubs. For any questions, feel free to contact us. Our experts will be more than happy to help you.